Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mottled Couloring On Palm Of Hand

perfect world, where everything is possible: the world of dreams exortante

know does a little take a satisfying nap which pair to be honest I do not enjoy at all because I was cut drastically when just getting ready to make my dream a new adventure. More

however give them some tips to learn to enjoy this event once daily is well-rehearsed one of the best things that happen to one in life.

To start with this tutorial on how to learn to enjoy a little nap I give an introduction to see how useful are the dreams, In them one is and can do whatever he wants, of course is not easy because, Just as there are certain times when you sleep and sleep and have well thought out, for example when a child saw a movie and that night I dreamed of being the protagonist, there are other times when sleep is nothing special it is when one has to adapt to its amenities, just be careful not as easy as it sounds, hardly one realizes that this dream in fact is extremely difficult even when you see penguins winged rhino in a floating bus, one does not notice this in the arms of Morpheus is best analyzed the situation and if they perceive have achieved one of the best things so: ENJOY!; imagine that you are with the girl (or) of his dreams, which are mega successful, a family member or loved one who died embraces and talk to you again.

but beware that this also the contrary to the beautiful and splendid dreams, nightmares, the truth ohablar any of them because it has no much sense to just say that if you have a nightmare, perimero: pellisquen not not work is stupid, second, that possibly face their fears will make them wake up because they managed to overcome it or because it's defeated and were so frightened that they woke up, third, well, in fact there is a third party but as long as there is two points for a third ... but I'll give you some advice if you have a nightmare and wake dismayed: embrace!, so, hug a loved one that helps a lot I say this from experience

good press on, if you want to have a good nap I recommend ...

  1. take a shower: I recommend taking a small bathroom about 4 minutes that I no more, because if you lengthen the body a rest and he goes to sleep and do not dry out the hair all wet a pococ the Almu
  2. take a good book to read before nap helps focus and forget the TV or work or problems that are generally causing a very unpleasant dream like the dream solution to the problems
  3. ENJOY: If you can not get to realize a dream after a or two weeks of attempts, enjoy, enjoying a nap is not as qxplicarles because everyone does it his way and it is impossible to guess each
good that's all another day will come with another Event diary loves them enjoy his beloved and dear friend / editor of this humble blog Juanito Banana sddfff

I finally thank
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post thank


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