Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Golden Sun Debug Room

The Dukan diet (Sonnet 393)

What I also went through the diet,
of this learned French Hustler,
and ten days had thinned
four kilos without going scion.

I was going kooks,
a prolonged constipation,
a greenish-grayish pee,
and unable to try a kibble.

And I met that treatment
treatment rather than Paripe,
straight because it lacks foundation

and harmful eating steak both;
so I finished the story,
and French be given by the culé .

(see Sonnet 352)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Very Slightly Sore Breasts?

Viva er Beti (Sonnet 392)

dedicate this sonnet futbolero
my friend Paquito el Lebrijano,
Betis a pro, full and healthy toddler
, gourmets and Sandunguero.

Second Betis That is the first
and so proud to come first,
after several years of dry
the hand of a coarse and crook.

to demonstrate again hearth and brightness,
flag flutters proudly, no
of novel small or linnet,

stay many years at First,
and can, with monster Gordillo,
forget the shortfin de Lopera.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mount And Blade How To Improve Performance

real democracy and (Sonnet 391)

How quickly the politicians are preparing
to put a negative note
this free civil and
initiative that brings out where stink.

Let them vote! - Admonish them.
Do not they understand that the collective anger
function is based on ineffective
that these perfidious they provide?

preach not escape from the polls.
But these freedoms taciturn
need a stimulating impulse

to re-excite the citizen:
your paper voting is not in vain,
not a blank check for the president.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Put Cheats On Gpsphone On Mac

the fair is over (Sonnet 390) Earthquake

Goodbye Flemish singers,
to hug the horse, the small wineskin,
to Slick and fine gentleman,
and days stuck in heat.

Farewell to colored light bulbs,
politicians speak weary,
the brotherhood, the rock and casino
and the gypsies sell you flowers.

phlegmatic Goodbye fairground,
the bulls without earless,
to local TVs creaking,

no ground to dust settled,
the heavy, the nice, the pedantic,
and the money I spent on wine.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can I Get Herpes From Clothes

Lorca (Sonnet 389)

believe that a great cataclysm
own land is more remote,
but one day we were excited,
and face of death here is the same.

We dominated the letter and the numeral,
silicon and rain drop by drop,
but if the heart of the Earth strikes,
we are facing the abyss.

Let nature tell us
we are contingent and mortal
more doors open with the visa.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, windstorms,
remember that we rush it
towards the essential moments.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Epson Ex70 Bulb Replacement

Women's Day (Sonnet 388) Press

Wednesday women dress suits
dots and ruffles,
and attend the show pompous,
forgetting their daily chores.

And he put the sound of their knowledge
in gangs and heavy panting
and without accompanying
bossy and old brigadier.

That paper, still, unfortunately,
of many women of this land,
comes down to the bed and the kitchen.

And they have to fight with courage
skillfully to wage this war,
a meek and unremarkable life.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Taking Out Extentions

readers (Sonnet 387)

informed my illustrious readers
that because of a stupid breakdown,
blogger has been more than a day
unallocated writers entries.

I deny, therefore, favors,
not think it's for my carelessness,
which has not left my poetry
nor my loyal vote followers.

not imagine that the delay
in delivering accurate daily
has been motivated by the passage

the fair humorous and Carthusian:
this I warn in case
suspected cogorza sovereign.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brother Check Toner Status

The gadgets of the show (Sonnet 386)

is also fair for kids,
that are never tired bobbing,
and taking them off with great anger,
when parents do not have spirit.

The raffle, the cloud, the mad bull,
train brooms, castles,
the ride, the inflatable balloon, hammers ...
and children will still know little.

But parents suffer the
noise produced by such attractions,
for being vigilant without neglect,

by dust that invades the lungs,
because little has spread them parné
and shoving as much locally termed.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Free Milena Velba Streaming

A Day at the Fair (Sonnet 385)

Two half of Tio Pepe, a rebujito,
ration ham, cheese manchego,
a glass loose from Uncle Diego,
shrimp, cabbage, fried and crashed often.

Hello, girl, what more beautiful dress;
goodbye, Peter, how about you look after;
if I follow This plan just blind
so I'll give me a break.

Fortunately, Manolito, which I find ...
An average, and serving of prawns,
and dogfish over, I have wanted.

Bring that cup, for in;
hello, Inés; put you three catavinos ...
and let's dance Sevillanas.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Can I Style My Bob

At the fair, the fair! (Sonnet 384)

Horse Fair has begun
with the sound of fireworks, political
selling his business
and patched pockets of the people.

The Mayor has caught the light,
thus proclaims the birth
the wine festival and bustle,
friend dancing and entertained.

Latches majestic horses,
deciduous parades vanities,
exquisite kitchens oily

cogorza of different varieties,
diligent hugs and cuddles ...
and I'll tell you more facts.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Looking For Football Dvds

Cry, Severiano Ballesteros (Sonnet 383)

fly ash
air honest in your homeland will
green and rocky
and one touch down
on a rose that will cry to
feel your way soon.

field you aspire to be deposed,
and dew on the grass moaning
love will tear cold
by country boy so modest.

Sighs in your blood, which is the pride of heaven
you played on this ground,
and sorrow for the great and worthy son.

quiet grief, weeping and murmuring:
your courage stands as a faithful model you
to combat evil barbarian.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Vintage Girdle In Mauve Velba

campaign begins (Sonnet 382)

began the campaign!
What a great party, gentlemen, what a waste
love for the city to spray and pray!
What an effort by the municipal well!

argumentative rigor does boast!
What circumvention of insult and reproach!
What promise of hard work day and night!
What more candid and natural smile!
happens to me, by God, what am I saying? Does
sense to me is softening?
Why fantasize so brazenly?

He will be that the sharp reality
contains both story and rudeness,
I prefer to express what I want.

(see Sonnet 347)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

How To Insert Battery In Logitech M205

The unfinished sonnet (Sonnet 381)

If Frank Schubert, the music immortal,
unfinished symphony,
why not evaded or forgotten,
but do not know its final

and Barcelona is the Cathedral,
set by the hand of Gaudi,
the world known and admired,
but lack the touch terminal,

why I have to complete my sonnet ...?
So this is truncated:
the reader put the last trio!

(see Sonnet 379)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mini Cooper Theme Wedding

Mother (Sonnet 380)

I could tell you, my mother,
after so many years of your absence,
of living below your presence
clumsy and erratic in my soul.

do know having your energy, your
bienquerencia humor and warm,
the wall of your strength and your conscience, halo
your light as a lookout.

propounded in your deep life florida
prayers, sublimated
disclaimers and waste Zaher.

who happened to sing in your stubborn insistence
the penalty sustained
always happy to make the journey.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

33 Weeks Bad Pelvic Pain

Papers in the washing machine (Sonnet 379)

On leave his shirt tucked in
that directly went to the washer,
I lost my
relieving substance of the issues I face in this manner.

And now that I have just hurry
matter and I find inspiring,
I see coming and when
and the sonnet is dying of laughter.

So I need an exit,
that this burden does not admit a mess,
failing which the blog is dead.

verses much tired piece!
seems my mind is obstructed:
So now I do not take more work.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Does A Private Psychotherapist Do

Bin Laden, dead "buried" at sea (Sonnet 378)

expected the new dawn
monster's death, executed,
- at his mansion, not in a hidden cave -
and in the middle of the sea after shot.

I have confused the news,
and do not know if I'm happy or rejection,
to see that not serving justice,
but the aim in the bullet.

Would it not be better to capture?
Have you won the war on terror?
dissolved Is Al Qaeda by any chance?
Is it legitimate to both triumphalism?

What in God and Allah wills converge,
and rid us of more calamities.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How To Get Bearings Out Of A Metalcore

John Paul II, Blessed (Sonnet 377)

Good scholars of history
argue that we have to wait
lengthy time for enter
to write memory.

not doubt that the man is in the Gloria
(not me here who will deny),
but that of putting on the altar
soon, so urgent,

goes against the advice as sound;
an honor as well as transcendent
should not be entrusted to

outburst of enthusiastic and earnest people,
or the desire to raise its mandate
the reigning pope has in mind.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Letter Congratulation To My Friend Had A New Baby

Labor Day (Sonnet 376)

A round number can be
the same a glorious event,
that an unfortunate number of events,
or a disastrous situation.

In this case we are given a numeral
that has us stunned and abogiados,
let's get it right now
almost five million unemployed.

The government promises more slaughter,
tone your Cantici opposition, unions
give enough punishment,
repeated and banks profits.

invites you not Labor Day
to send them all to hell?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sprinter Wiring Diagram

Royal Wedding in England (Sonnet 375)

daughter already has the prince asshole,
buffer Camila hook:
Catalina calls Mideltón
and plebeian, nice and quiet. Already

Prince William, orphan
by the early death of Dayana,
was blessed through ritual,
and it's up breeding for tomorrow. Already

Queen - perfect permanent -
offering canapés to all the distinguished contingent on an act
exemplary and courteous.

already for me was an obvious thing:
I ask the sister of the bride.

(see Sonnet 62)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Motorola Phone Tools 4.5.6a

Real Madrid 0 - Barça 2 (Sonnet 374)

Comparing with the League Cup,
League is the big cake,
that wins the best squad formed
with talent and fatigue.

Cup, say what you say,
championship is lower,
does not win the best on paper,
and hiding the bad year or mitigated.

By winning the Cup to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMourinho
pulled chest too much,
and believed that so rogue

Guardiola will win again;
more faded and the crowd was
sadder because of this tactic empty.

joy was short.
But we can not expect
with a guy who plays not to lose.

(see Sonnet 366)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Which Female Celebrities Wear Wigs

The office of judge (Sonnet 373) Tie

A judge is entrusted sensitive
that requires prudence, fortitude,
sacrifice, honesty, sensitivity,
study and open-minded and clear.

independence is also the defendant,
like the ease, readiness,
the skill, talent, wit,
the anointing and the purest virtue.

aridity is huge task,
for nefarious temptations to bribery,
often unfair criticism.

And it is difficult to witness the fact
to find some bad judges twist
unscrupulous law.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mandingo Vs April Showers

gifted (Sonnet 372)

A compilation graceful and well planted,
tourist partied in Florence,
occurrence has been lucid
gifted bring a tie.

not know well what they have to I like:
this fine detail is evidence of person
light and bienquerencia,
and very worthy of being entertained.

May God give you tours everywhere,
delicate and mellifluous companion
and always at the time of return,

land bring me stranger,
anything you I thank
in my soul busy and skull.

(see Sonnet 351)

What Women Think About Male Piercings

Mafalda (Sonnet 371)

You're the girl who hated soup,
liked to play cowboys,
the Beatles he praised the former,
number of Chinese and frightened him.

You are the girl that no more dreamed
to change this world of liars,
and their old put some buts
that the poor left unanswered.

're the friend of uncouth Manolito,
Felipe, Miguelito and Susie,
Guille's sister, the little boy.

're the great and blessed girl
which always burned
itching to stick a plaster on the soul.

(see Sonnet 365)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Full Age Of Empire The Rise Of Empire



This series will be displayed in the meeting of artists with the forest
Forest on Saturday 9 April in the forest Peralta Ramos in Mar del Plata.
leave the event!

Palm Tree Eating Bugs

Series list and printed to meet the forest