Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Golden Sun Debug Room

The Dukan diet (Sonnet 393)

What I also went through the diet,
of this learned French Hustler,
and ten days had thinned
four kilos without going scion.

I was going kooks,
a prolonged constipation,
a greenish-grayish pee,
and unable to try a kibble.

And I met that treatment
treatment rather than Paripe,
straight because it lacks foundation

and harmful eating steak both;
so I finished the story,
and French be given by the culé .

(see Sonnet 352)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Very Slightly Sore Breasts?

Viva er Beti (Sonnet 392)

dedicate this sonnet futbolero
my friend Paquito el Lebrijano,
Betis a pro, full and healthy toddler
, gourmets and Sandunguero.

Second Betis That is the first
and so proud to come first,
after several years of dry
the hand of a coarse and crook.

to demonstrate again hearth and brightness,
flag flutters proudly, no
of novel small or linnet,

stay many years at First,
and can, with monster Gordillo,
forget the shortfin de Lopera.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mount And Blade How To Improve Performance

real democracy and (Sonnet 391)

How quickly the politicians are preparing
to put a negative note
this free civil and
initiative that brings out where stink.

Let them vote! - Admonish them.
Do not they understand that the collective anger
function is based on ineffective
that these perfidious they provide?

preach not escape from the polls.
But these freedoms taciturn
need a stimulating impulse

to re-excite the citizen:
your paper voting is not in vain,
not a blank check for the president.