Saturday, April 30, 2011

Letter Congratulation To My Friend Had A New Baby

Labor Day (Sonnet 376)

A round number can be
the same a glorious event,
that an unfortunate number of events,
or a disastrous situation.

In this case we are given a numeral
that has us stunned and abogiados,
let's get it right now
almost five million unemployed.

The government promises more slaughter,
tone your Cantici opposition, unions
give enough punishment,
repeated and banks profits.

invites you not Labor Day
to send them all to hell?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sprinter Wiring Diagram

Royal Wedding in England (Sonnet 375)

daughter already has the prince asshole,
buffer Camila hook:
Catalina calls Mideltón
and plebeian, nice and quiet. Already

Prince William, orphan
by the early death of Dayana,
was blessed through ritual,
and it's up breeding for tomorrow. Already

Queen - perfect permanent -
offering canapés to all the distinguished contingent on an act
exemplary and courteous.

already for me was an obvious thing:
I ask the sister of the bride.

(see Sonnet 62)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Motorola Phone Tools 4.5.6a

Real Madrid 0 - Barça 2 (Sonnet 374)

Comparing with the League Cup,
League is the big cake,
that wins the best squad formed
with talent and fatigue.

Cup, say what you say,
championship is lower,
does not win the best on paper,
and hiding the bad year or mitigated.

By winning the Cup to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMourinho
pulled chest too much,
and believed that so rogue

Guardiola will win again;
more faded and the crowd was
sadder because of this tactic empty.

joy was short.
But we can not expect
with a guy who plays not to lose.

(see Sonnet 366)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Which Female Celebrities Wear Wigs

The office of judge (Sonnet 373) Tie

A judge is entrusted sensitive
that requires prudence, fortitude,
sacrifice, honesty, sensitivity,
study and open-minded and clear.

independence is also the defendant,
like the ease, readiness,
the skill, talent, wit,
the anointing and the purest virtue.

aridity is huge task,
for nefarious temptations to bribery,
often unfair criticism.

And it is difficult to witness the fact
to find some bad judges twist
unscrupulous law.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mandingo Vs April Showers

gifted (Sonnet 372)

A compilation graceful and well planted,
tourist partied in Florence,
occurrence has been lucid
gifted bring a tie.

not know well what they have to I like:
this fine detail is evidence of person
light and bienquerencia,
and very worthy of being entertained.

May God give you tours everywhere,
delicate and mellifluous companion
and always at the time of return,

land bring me stranger,
anything you I thank
in my soul busy and skull.

(see Sonnet 351)

What Women Think About Male Piercings

Mafalda (Sonnet 371)

You're the girl who hated soup,
liked to play cowboys,
the Beatles he praised the former,
number of Chinese and frightened him.

You are the girl that no more dreamed
to change this world of liars,
and their old put some buts
that the poor left unanswered.

're the friend of uncouth Manolito,
Felipe, Miguelito and Susie,
Guille's sister, the little boy.

're the great and blessed girl
which always burned
itching to stick a plaster on the soul.

(see Sonnet 365)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Full Age Of Empire The Rise Of Empire



This series will be displayed in the meeting of artists with the forest
Forest on Saturday 9 April in the forest Peralta Ramos in Mar del Plata.
leave the event!

Palm Tree Eating Bugs

Series list and printed to meet the forest

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How To Make A Ceramic Mold

Christening Report Blog Update

In the reports of baptism as the communion and the like, of course, the wedding, we consider every moment, every emotion we photograph without leave out any detail. Thus a special day, so dear, so familiar, it became the best images to remember.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Give Me A Shot To Keep The Pain In

intimate connection
